====================================================================== Estimating differentially abundant protein families in the metagenomes ====================================================================== Finally, we are about to do some real analysis of the data, and look at the results! To do this, we will use the R statistical program. You start the program by typing:: R To get out of R, you type ``q()``. You will then be asked if you want to save your workspace. Typing "y" (yes) might be smart, since that will remember all your variables until the next time you use R in the same directory! Loading the the count tables ============================ We will begin by loading the count tables from HMMER into R:: b1 = read.table("baltic1.hmmsearch", sep = "") To get the number of entries of each kind, we will use the R command ``rle``. We want to get the domain list, which is the third column. For ``rle`` to be able to work with the data, we must also convert it into a proper vector.:: raw_counts = rle(as.vector(b1[,3])) b1_counts = as.matrix(raw_counts$lengths) row.names(b1_counts) = raw_counts$values Repeat this procedure for all four data sets. Apply normalizations ==================== We will now try out the three different normalization methods to see their effect on the data. First, we will try by normalizing to the number of reads in each sequencing library. Find the note you have taken on the data set sizes. Then apply a command like this on the data:: b1_norm1 = b1_counts / 118025 You will now see counts in the range of 10^-5 and 10^6. To make these numbers more interpretable, let's also multiply them by 1,000,000 to yield the counts per million reads:: b1_norm1 = b1_counts / 118025 * 1000000 Do the same thing for the other data sets. We would then like to compare all the four data sets to each other. Since R's merge function really suck for multiple data sets, I have provided this function for merging four data sets. Copy and paste it into the R console:: merge_four = function(a,b,c,d,names) { m1 = merge(a,b,by = "row.names", all = TRUE) row.names(m1) = m1[,1] m1 = m1[,2:3] m2 = merge(c, m1, by = "row.names", all = TRUE) row.names(m2) = m2[,1] m2 = m2[,2:4] m3 = merge(d, m2, by = "row.names", all = TRUE) row.names(m3) = m3[,1] m3 = m3[,2:5] m3[is.na(m3)] = 0 colnames(m3) = c(names[4], names[3], names[1], names[2]) return(as.matrix(m3)) } You can then try it by running this command on the raw counts:: norm0 = merge_four(b1_counts,b2_counts,swe_counts,ind_counts,c("Baltic 1","Baltic 2","Sweden", "India")) You should then see a matrix containing all counts from the four data sets, with each row corresponding to a Pfam family. Next, run the same command on the normalized data and store the output into a variable, called for example ``norm1``. The total abundance of mobility domains can then be visualzied using the following command:: barplot(colSums(norm1)) We can then repeat the normalization procedure, by instead normalizing to the number of 16S rRNA counts in each library. This can be done similarly to the division by total number of reads above:: b1_norm2 = b1_counts / 21 This time, we won't multiply by a million, as that would make numbers much larger (and harder to interpret). Follow the above procedure for all the data sets, and finally store the end result from ``merge_four`` into a variable, for example called ``norm2``. Finally, we will do the same for the third type of normalization, the division by the mapped number of reads. This can, once more, be done as above:: b1_norm3 = b1_counts / 22 Follow the above procedure for all the data sets, and store the final result from ``merge_four`` into a variable, for example called ``norm3``. A note on saving plots ====================== Note that if you would like to save your plots to a PDF file you can run the command:: pdf("output_file_name.pdf", width = 10, height = 10) and then you can just run all the R commands as normal. Instead of getting plots printed on the screen, all the plots will be output to the specified PDF file, and can later be viewed in e.g. Acrobat Reader. When you are finished plotting you can finalize the PDF file using the command:: dev.off() This closes the PDF and enables other software to read it. Please note that it will be considered a "broken" PDF until the ``dev.off()`` command is run! Comparing normalizations ======================== Let us now quickly compare the three normalization methods. As a quick overview, we can just make three colorful barplots next to each other, each representing one normalization method:: layout(matrix(c(1,3,2,4),2,2)) barplot(norm0, col = 1:nrow(norm1), main = "Raw gene counts") barplot(norm1, col = 1:nrow(norm1), main = "Counts per million reads") barplot(norm2, col = 1:nrow(norm2), main = "Counts per 16S rRNA") barplot(norm3, col = 1:nrow(norm3), main = "Relative abundance") As you can see, each of these plots will tell a slightly different story. Let's take a closer look at how normalization affect the behavior of some genes. First, we can see if there are any genes that are present in all samples. This is easily investigated by the following command, which takes counts if a value is larger than zero, counts the number of occurences per per row (rowSums), and finally outputs all the rows from ``norm1`` where this sum is exactly four:: norm1[rowSums(norm1 > 0) == 4,] If that didn't give you much luck, you can try if you can find any genes that occur in at least three samples:: norm1[rowSums(norm1 > 0) >= 3,] Select one of those and find out its row number in the count table. Hint: ``row.names(norm1)`` will help you here! Now lets make boxplots for that row only:: x = layout(matrix(c(1,3,2,4),2,2)) barplot(norm0[x,], main = paste(row.names(norm1)[x], "- Raw gene counts")) barplot(norm1[x,], main = paste(row.names(norm1)[x], "- Counts per million reads")) barplot(norm2[x,], main = paste(row.names(norm2)[x], "- Counts per 16S rRNA")) barplot(norm3[x,], main = paste(row.names(norm3)[x], "- Relative abundance")) You can now try this for a number of other genes (by changing the value of ``x``) and see how normalization affects your story. **Question: Which normalization method would be most suitable to use in this case? Why?** Visualizing differences in gene abundance ========================================= One neat way of visualizing metagenomic count data is through heatmaps. R has a built-in heatmap function, that can be called using the (surprise...) ``heatmap`` command. However, you will quickly notice that this function is rather limited, and we will therefore install a package containing a better one - the ``gplots`` package. You can do this by typing the following command:: install.packages("gplots") Just answer "yes" to the questions, and the package will be installed locally for your user. After installation you load the package by typing:: library(gplots) After this, you will be able to use the more powerful ``heatmap.2`` command. Try, for example, this command on the data:: heatmap.2(norm1, trace = "none", col = colorpanel(255,"black","red","yellow"), margin = c(5,10), cexCol = 1, cexRow = 0.7) The trace, margin, cexCol and cexRow options are just there to make the plot look better (play around with them if you wish). The ``col = colorpanel(255,"black","red","yellow")`` option creates a scale from black to yellow where yellow means highly abundant and black lowly abundant. To make more clear which genes that are not even detected, let's add a grey color to that for genes with zero count:: heatmap.2(norm1, trace = "none", col = c("grey",colorpanel(255,"black","red","yellow")), margin = c(5,10), cexCol = 1, cexRow = 0.7) You will now notice that it is hard to see the differences for the lowly abundant genes. To aid in this, we can add a variance-stabilizing transform (fancy name for squareroot) to the data:: norm1_sqrt = sqrt(norm1) You can then re-run the ``heatmap.2`` command on the newly created ``norm1_sqrt`` variable. Sometimes, it makes more sense to apply a logarithmic transform to the data instead of the squareroot. This, however, is a bit more tricky since we have zeros in the data. For fun's sake, we can try:: norm1_log10 = log10(norm1) heatmap.2(norm1_log10, trace = "none", col = c("grey",colorpanel(255,"black","red","yellow")), margin = c(5,10), cexCol = 1, cexRow = 0.7) This should give you an error message. The easiest way to solve this problem is to add some small number to the matrix before the ``log10`` command. Since we will display this number with grey color anyway, it will in this case, and for this application, matter much exactly what number you add. You can, for example, choose 1:: norm1_log10 = log10(norm1 + 1) heatmap.2(norm1_log10, trace = "none", col = c("grey",colorpanel(255,"black","red","yellow")), margin = c(5,10), cexCol = 1, cexRow = 0.7) Before we end, let's also try another kind of commonly used visualization, the PCA plot. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) essentially builds upon projecting complex data onto a 2D (or 3D) surface, while trying to separate the data points as much as possible. This can be useful for finding groups of observations that fit together. We will use the built-in PCA command called ``prcomp``:: norm1_pca = prcomp(norm1_sqrt) Note that we used the data created using the variance stabilizing transform. There are more sophisticated ways of reducing the influence of very large values, but many times the squareroot is sufficient. We can visualize the PCA using a plotting command called ``biplot``:: layout(1) biplot(norm1_pca, cex = 0.5) To see the proportion of variance explained by the different components, we can use the normal plot command:: plot(norm1_pca) We want the first two bars to be as large as possible, since that means that the dataset can be easily simplified to two dimensions. If all bars are of roughly equal height, the projection to a 2D surface has caused a loss of much of the information of the data, and we can not trust the patterns in the PCA plot as much. If we do the PCA on the relative abundance data (normalization three), we can get a view of which Pfam domains that dominate in these samples:: norm3_pca = prcomp(norm3) biplot(norm3_pca, cex = 0.5) And that's the end of the lab. If you have lots of time to spare, you can move on to the bonus excersize, in which we will analyze the 16S rRNA data generated by Metaxa2 further, to understand which bacterial species that are present in the samples.